Solo show at Caspar David Friedrich Zentrum, Greifswald, Germany
LOCATION : Caspar David Friedrich Center, Greifswald, Germany
Lutz Grünke

 “The CDF-Zentrum is the house where Caspar David Friedrich was born, and my solo show “FIELDING” is a contribution to Caspar David Friedrich and his romantic landscape. I will show two installations that focus on painting installed as landscapes. A site specific landscape where the viewer becomes a part of the motive. CDF often paint a person standing in a huge magnificent landscape, turning his back to the viewer. In the installation “FIELDING” I do the same – just in a contemporary and concrete way. I grew up on the isle of Mors in the northwest Denmark, and I can easily relate to the romantic landscape – I know it by heart and I can smell it. When a field is plowed it is beautiful with the stringent lines. The dark soil and the birds screaming symbolizes a new fresh beginning. The psychic state of mind you get into viewing a landscape like this is also the drive to a more sensual and spiritual connection to the world and to life in general. I hope to bring this forth in my installation

"Fielding", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 52 m2

"Fielding", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 52 m2

"Fielding", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 52 m2

"Fielding", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 52 m2

"Fielding", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 52 m2

"Fielding" (detail)
"Fielding" (detail)
"Fielding", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 52 m2

"Fielding (yellow)", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 2,70 x 2,70 m
"Fielding (yellow)", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 2,70 x 2,70 m
"Fielding (yellow)", Installation, acrylic on mylar, 2,70 x 2,70 m
Left: "Fielding (white/yellow)". Right: "Fielding (white/rose). Both acrylic on mirror alucobond, 2 m x 1,25 m